About the Webmaster
am Chris Felts, a 16 year old Junior at the Shawano Community High School
in Wisconsin. My main instrument is the alto saxophone, and I play
a Yamaha YAS-23 with a BARI Richie Cole hard rubber mouthpiece and a Rovner
Dark ligature. My backup mouthpiece is a plastic Yamaha stock piece,
and a stock Yamaha metal ligature. I use Fibracell Medium soft reeds
for Symphonic and Jazz band, as well as Full Orchestra. I also use
a BARI plastic reed for pep/marching band. In orchestra, I transcribe
oboe parts to play on soprano saxophone, a school owned late 20's Buescher
straight Bb soprano sax, Rico Royal mouthpiece, stock ligature, and Hemke
2 1/2 reeds. I also play a silver plated 1921 Conn C melody with
a gold bell that has an alto style neck and microtuner. I also pick
up tenor whenever its needed, and when I do I use a Meyer 7M hard rubber
mouthpiece with a stock ligature, and Fibracell Medium Soft reeds.
My favorite musicians whom I try to emulate are David Sanborn, and Kenny
G (Gorelick). If all turns out, I hope to get a job as a musical
instrument repairman, as I love messing around with various instruments,
(I'm currently rebuilding a metal "Champlain" clarinet, if you know anything
about the brand name Champlain, e-mail
me.) I hope you enjoy the page!
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